Outlining Ideas

Today I presented several rough ideas to our lecturer Seb to get feedback and insight in to how I couple implement it.

Idea #1
My first idea is based almost purely on Nike's sports image, where they make a lot of branded sports clothing. Along with that theme I came up with the idea of have an animated leg and a football. The leg would respond to motion from the user infront of a camera low to the ground. When the user kicks the ball it goes up in the air and it becomes a game of how high you can kick it.

The 'Magic' part would be reflected in the shoe and how high the ball goes when kicked. Unfortunately, after talking with Seb about it actually tracking how fast a person's leg is moving past the camera (to make the ball go higher) would be incredibly difficult. I don't want to overstretch my abilities to the point where I might not be able to get something workable for the brief so I will keep this idea in reserve.

Idea #2
This idea involves a mixture of the ideas I got from my Digit visit and some code from Seb that would cause movement to cause coloured trails. The user could paint with streaks of light on to the screen. Nike branding would be visible in various parts of the screen, and using a mask I could create areas where the users' movement fills in shapes.

Seb seemed confident that I could implement this without too much trouble. I need to work on the visual style to make sure it looks good though.

Idea #3
My third concept for an interactive installation is a shoe constructed from small versions of the nike logo. The amount of particles would be so dense that from afar it would look like a photo or illustration of the shoe. Using the camera the logos would move away from the position of the person's motion and then return to reform the image again.

Talking to Seb it sounds like there would be a lot involved with placing all of the images to form the shoe, but he says that he may have some code that would help by giving the particles a home position so when they respond to the motion they return to where I want them to be.

It was very valuable to be able to discuss my ideas with Seb because I'm still having a hard time grasping what is possible in processing and how to make it happen but I am confident I can get working versions of my ideas.