Learning Processing: Examples

Processing Progress
Now that I have had some lecture time with Seb, as well as looking at the processing material on the website and in the book I bought I feel I am starting to get an idea of what is possible with processing. The concept of making all of this work with a webcam at the moment is quite daunting but that will come with time.

For now I have been given some great code to play around with by Seb. We have been learning about how to create particle systems, something that seems to have many applications. The great thing about these examples is that I feel like I am not just learning specifics about particles in processing but also about syntax, coding conventions and how to do more with the code than literally what I am being shown.

It's very interesting to play around with the code, changing variables to see the different effects that can be created. Here are a series of images from Seb's examples and one's that I have played with.

The first image is my own creation where when you click the mouse particles come down and slide down the screen like wet paint dripping down. This is heavily modified from one of the particle examples Seb gave us but is unrecognisable from what it once was.