Analysis: Current Website

I want to build my new website largely off of my existing website, but with considerable improvements based on what I have learned.

Home Page

My current home page is sectioned off very distinctly allowing the user to recognize the sections. However, the header is too chunky, as are the icons. Reducing the text might also improve the page. I have placed a feed of my twitter posts on the front page which is something I think I will carry forward on to the new website.

The main feature of the page is the image slideshow. I can create images and place them in the XML and javascript based slideshow code and it will cycle through each image after a couple of seconds. This makes the home page less static as well as giving a broad tour of the work on my website. It is, however, outdated. It is good that it links to the work that is shown and I think I will carry an improved version of this concept on to my new website.

The navigation here is too big, numerous and cluttered. There are a lot of pages I need to cut down on, and I don't need so many drop down menus. It also suggests equality between all of the disciplines on display, which is not accurate (I am not very good at Flash, for example). This will just frustrate and confuse the user. Consolidating content will be my main goal.

Video Pages

As you can see, my video pages are very poorly formatted. A large paragraph of text and then an embedded youtube video. The text is unappealing and it doesn't need to come first. Also, the embedded Youtube video isn't of great quality and it's flash meaning it won't work on Apple devices.

I have thought about using HTML 5 'Video For Everyone', but Youtube have started to support H.264 and on iPhone will redirect to the app or mobile site. Also, I will want to cut down on the amount of videos I have on the site.

Project Pages

My project pages are not formatted to show of the projects themselves. They contain a large preamble in the form of a paragraph of text, and then some small images. I need to structure the page better and put images at the core, that way if people are interested they can read more.


One of the worst problems with this page is it's name. I don't do art. It's really all my graphic design and illustration work that doesn't fit anywhere else. I will have to correct this. It needs to be updated with more recent and better images.