Research: Presentation

Since my project relies largely on concept the way I present that idea to the judges is going to be an important element. In order to make it more tangable I need to demonstrate the functionality in a clear and concise manner. They have asked for me to show a slice through of features so I can keep it fast paced and short for more impact than a long, drawn out demonstration.

Apple iPad
When Apple launched the iPad they released demonstration videos and I have looked to them for inspiration as they have presented the iPad as well its key apps and functionality in a very clear and attractive way.

The presentation is very well paced and focusing on two key aspects, the iPad with the content and the human interaction with the device. The touch gestures are clearly shot in order to convey as much information about how you interact with the device, a key point when convincing people of new technology which is something I feel I have to do with Taschen.

Samsung Galaxy
One of the other leading tablet devices is the Samsung Galaxy. In their official advertisement they show a man walking around with their tablet device.

In this advertisement they do a lot of things that Apple did in their iPad demonstration, by focusing on the screen of the tablet and how the touch gestures work. The Samsung galaxy advert goes a bit further as it is trying to sell something directly and it actually shows functionality in context. For example, he is browsing a super market and making dinner while having a recipe book with ingredients listed on the tablet.

Putting functionality in context goes a long way to helping a user understand the functionality and also to provide a real world example of it's usefullness. It's one thing to say that you can use the iPad to see how to cook a meal, but to show someone using it in that situation is more visual, tangible and ultimately convincing. Something I might consider for my design.