Feedback - Sue + Evaluation

After showing my sketch to my course tutor, Sue, I received some useful feedback, although it is too late at this stage as i have already submitted my code to the server. Nevertheless, it is useful to receive criticism of the final piece so I can improve in the future.

My initial intensions with the idea of the mask was that people had to explore the digital canvas to uncover different objects. While I feel I was successful in this Sue pointed out that the objects where so big that there wasn't much room for exploration. The conditions in which she experienced are not representative of the intended experience (we were both very close to the camera to the point where the slightest movement filled most of the canvas, but it worked as a concept demonstration). Sue suggested reducing the size of the objects and introducing some more.

As I just said, my intention with this project was to create something that the user had to explore. As Sue pointed out the size of the objects could be smaller and introduce some more elements. One of the reasons for the mask existing as it does is because I expected to use a higher resolution mask but as the sketch developed and the project went on it became obvious that performance was going to be an issue. I should have adjusted the size of the objects to the very limited resolution that I ended up using (640x480).

Ultimately I am happy with the outcome of my project but I could have incorporated the improvements that Sue suggested, if they had been suggested earlier in the project.