Colour Scheme

A lot of the examples that Seb has shown us have involved rainbow colours, or cycling through hue values as this shows variation but for my piece I would like to have a much more focused direction in the colour scheme. During brainstorming I listed several colours I associated with magic, namely dark colours. Black, because of the magician's costume. Red and purple, because of the lining of a magicians cape. White because of the ends of a magician's wand.

When it comes to my interactive piece however I don't think using such dark colours is a good idea, because my idea is based on having a plain black screen. If the light painting and graphic are also dark there will be very poor contrast and possibly make things hard to see. This is not ideal, as I want people to easily identify what is happening.

I have decided to use a light and heavily saturated blue colour to distinguish it from some of the other colour schemes of my peers and because blue is associated with cool and calming. To help me with this I went to Kuler, an Adobe website for colour.

On this website you can create your own colour schemes. I set the base colour to a hexadecimal code I picked in Photoshop and then it picked several there relevant colours according to the monochromatic rule I set at the top. This kept all other colour choices within the same hue. Kuler provided me with all the data I needed for RGB, CMYK etc if I need to use the same colours in different colour modes.